Eliminate Unwanted Tattoos with Laser Tattoo Removal at Laserase Medical Aesthetics

Tattoos can often hold a deep personal meaning, but as time goes by, circumstances change, and opinions evolve, some people may come to regret their choice to get a tattoo. This may lead them to seek a safe and effective solution for removing the unwanted ink from their skin. Laser tattoo removal offers precisely that – a non-invasive, efficient, and increasingly popular treatment for eliminating tattoos and improving the appearance of the skin. At Laserase Medical Aesthetics, Belfast's premier skincare clinic, we offer state-of-the-art laser tattoo removal solutions, tailored to individual needs, ensuring optimal results every time.

Laser tattoo removal works by using highly concentrated laser energy to break down the ink particles within the skin. The fragmented ink particles are then naturally absorbed and eliminated by the body's immune system, causing the tattoo to fade progressively. The treatment is suitable for various tattoo sizes, colours, and locations on the body, making it an ideal solution for individuals wishing to remove any unwanted ink.

At Laserase Medical Aesthetics, our team of skilled and experienced practitioners utilise advanced laser technology for precise, targeted treatment, ensuring the surrounding skin remains unaffected. Through our personalised treatment plans, we aim to restore confidence in your skin's appearance, helping you achieve the desired outcome at our Belfast-based skincare clinic. Find out more about the benefits of laser tattoo removal and how it can transform your skin at Laserase Medical Aesthetics.

How Laser Tattoo Removal Works

Laser tattoo removal involves applying highly concentrated laser energy to break down the ink particles within the skin. The fragmented ink particles are then naturally absorbed and eliminated by the body's immune system, causing the tattoo to fade progressively. The treatment is suitable for various tattoo sizes, colours, and locations on the body, making it an ideal solution for individuals wishing to remove any unwanted ink.

The Q-Switched Laser Technology

At Laserase Medical Aesthetics, our skilled practitioners employ Q-switched laser technology to effectively target and treat tattoo ink particles. Q-switched lasers generate powerful, ultra-short pulses of light energy that penetrate the skin and shatter the tattoo ink into micro-particles. The device allows for selective targeting of specific ink colours without harming the skin, ensuring safe and effective treatment for a wide range of tattoo types.

Factors Affecting Tattoo Removal

1. Ink Colour and Depth: The colour and depth of the tattoo ink can influence the effectiveness of the laser tattoo removal process. In general, black and dark blue tattoos tend to respond more effectively to treatment, as they absorb all laser wavelengths. Conversely, other colours like green, purple, and red may require different wavelengths and additional treatment sessions for optimal results.

2. Tattoo Age and Location: Older tattoos are generally easier to remove, as the ink has had more time to disperse and fade. The location of a tattoo can also impact the removal process, with areas closer to the heart, such as the chest and upper arms, responding more favourably due to greater blood circulation.

3. Skin Type and Condition: Individuals with lighter skin tones tend to experience better results from laser tattoo removal, as there is a lower risk of pigment change or scarring. Furthermore, the presence of pre-existing skin conditions or allergies may also impact the treatment outcome and the skin's ability to heal effectively.

4. Professional vs. Amateur Tattoos: Professionally applied tattoos commonly contain more consistent and deeper ink distribution, making them harder to remove compared to amateur tattoos. However, professional tattoos often contain less impurities in the ink, which allows for greater success in the removal process.

The Treatment Process

1. Consultation: Before commencing laser tattoo removal, clients will undergo a comprehensive consultation with our experienced practitioners to discuss their individual concerns, expectations, and the best-suited treatment plan. A patch test will also be performed to assess the skin's response to laser treatment and determine the optimal laser settings for each client.

2. Preparing for Treatment: To ensure the best results, clients should avoid exposing the tattoo to direct sunlight, tanning beds, or self-tanning products for at least two weeks before treatment. It is also essential to keep the area clean and well-moisturised to promote optimal healing.

3. The Procedure: During the treatment session, our practitioner will apply protective eyewear for both themselves and the client. A numbing cream can be applied to the treatment area to minimise any discomfort during the process. The practitioner will then apply the laser device to the tattoo, delivering targeted pulses of light energy that break down the ink particles.

4. Post-Treatment Care: Following the treatment, clients should expect some redness, swelling, and minor discomfort in the treated area. It is essential to keep the area clean, applying a soothing ointment and sterile dressing to promote healing. Clients should avoid direct sun exposure, and refrain from activities that could cause irritation or infection, such as swimming or excessive sweating, until the area has healed completely.

5. Repeat Treatments: Most clients will require multiple treatment sessions, with an average of six to eight weeks between appointments, to achieve the desired results. The exact number of sessions will depend on various factors, including the tattoo's size, colour, age, and location.


Laser tattoo removal at Laserase Medical Aesthetics provides individuals with a safe, effective, and non-invasive solution for eliminating unwanted tattoos. By utilising advanced laser technology and personalised treatment plans, our expert team strives to restore confidence in your skin's appearance and help you achieve the desired outcome. Discover how laser tattoo removal at Belfast's top skincare clinic, Laserase Medical Aesthetics, can transform your skin and help you reclaim control of your body art. Schedule a consultation for our laser tattoo removal in Belfast today!


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