Botox Belfast

Is there anyone who enjoys the ageing process? - I don't think so!!! At Laserase we have a number of treatments that hold the wrinkles at bay using a subtle natural way.

If a person has had “work done” it shouldn’t be apparent. Only an expert practitioner can carry out such treatments – in fact Dr. McKeown at the Laserase clinic has many years of experience, so much so that his client bank is extensive and testament to his expertise is the fact his clients continue to return to the clinic year on year.

There has been much adverse publicity about Botox! Research shows that it is inexperienced practitioners who are responsible for this.

At Laserase Dr. McKeown designs and tailors treatments to each individual. Our clients would say that Dr. McKeown not only understands the real science of aesthetics, but is an artist, with an appreciation for natural enhancement.

Botox relaxes the muscles that cause us to frown and in expert hands it is an amazing treatment.


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